Brand Strategy Sprint

Full day 1:1 intensive with Erik to discover the brand that aligns most with your audience. A strategy roadmap will guide you in creating or changing your visuals and messaging.

Do you keep changing your logo, colors and messaging?

Are your potential clients not converting?

Are your website bounce rates high?

The biggest mistake business owners make is creating a brand based on their own likes or dislikes.

In reality, a logo and a website are meaningless unless they speak directly to your audience.

Brand strategy is the piece you’ve been missing to understand and effectively communicate your offer to your potential clients.

This full day one-on-one strategy intensive with Erik will help you discover the brand that aligns most with the audience you serve.

Use this sprint to build a brand from scratch or reposition an already functioning brand.

I'm feeling rejuvenated and ready to hit the ground running with my newly leveled up business. Erik took time to listen to where I was, what my goals were, and then he conformed to my needs crafted a plan that worked so well for where I was at. He's collaborative and a blast to work with. - Jenna P.

Spend 8 hours discovering:

  • Who your audience is: who they are, how they interact, what they want
  • Who your competition is: who is in your industry, how they communicated, what they do well
  • How to humanize your brand through brand archetypes
  • Clarity on what you do and why you’re different
  • Tips on the visual direction of your brand

This hands-on, 8 hour session will give you a new perspective and reassuring confidence for building (or rebuilding) a brand that is audience focused and positioned to sell.

Bring your team, a colleague, or just yourself to work one-on-one with Erik defining what makes your brand stand out.

A digital strategy roadmap will be delivered post-session, containing all of the points covered in the sprint, to guide you in creating or changing your visuals and messaging.

Once a session is booked, you will receive information on scheduling your full day session. If you do not receive a scheduling link within 24 hours, please contact Erik directly at

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Brand Strategy Sprint

$ 998.00 USD
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Developed by Mayank Bhama
